Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion at Berklee 

The Student Affairs, Diversity and Inclusion team  in Valencia works in collaboration with the Office of Diversity & Inclusion in Boston as well as other units and individuals across Berklee to foster a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable community through institutional engagement, education, resources, and programming. A core mission of our work is to deepen awareness, knowledge, skills, and practices across our community in order to effectively engage across the rich tapestry of differences in backgrounds and identities in our school and world. Visit Diversity and Inclusion for more information about Berklee’s college-wide framework.

Valencia Diversity and Inclusion Strategy (2022–2025) 

At the Valencia campus, we aim to offer a comprehensive education model centered around the understanding that global artists, music industry professionals, and citizens should support the values of diversity, justice, and human rights, and be concerned about the health and well-being of humanity and our planet. We aim to engage and empower community members to advance this work using the information below as a starting point and a road map ahead. 

In full consideration of our journey so far as a campus, students’ needs and requests, and current issues impacting humanity and our planet, we have identified the following five—and their intersections—as the lenses through which to design, execute, and assess progress: Racial Justice, Gender Equality, Mental Health, Accessibility, and Climate Change. For more information about the Valencia Diversity and Inclusion strategy, please email studentaffairsvalencia@berklee.edu


Diversity and Inclusion Signature Programming Series 

This series consists of a variety of educational and social programming initiatives around a core theme. The programs offered through the series build community and provide learning opportunities for members across Berklee Valencia. Some examples include our Black History Month Series, International Women’s Day, and Mental Health Awareness Residences. 

Community Connections and Affinity Spaces 

The Student Affairs, Diversity, and Inclusion team aims to create spaces in which members of the Berklee Valencia community can connect and be in community with each other, within and across identities. These spaces are often student-initiated precisely to honor the needs of our student body each semester. We also often partner with external collaborators to offer contextualized support, resources, and information. 


Students can browse through the below list for past programming sessions: 

Funding Opportunities for Students

The Diversity Grants were designed to help and support students with ideas for events, projects, programs, and initiatives that reflect and promote diversity, equity, and inclusion for the Berklee community. Through these grants, the Office of Student Affairs, Diversity and Inclusion at the Valencia campus provides financial, logistical and organizational support to help student ideas become a reality. Core themes to focus on when applying for a grant should include access and equity, community engagement, community learning and development, and expanding outlooks.

Berklee Resources and Support 

Review the Resources and Support section within Berklee Boston’s main website to find diversity and inclusion resources and support available at Berklee.

Off-Campus Resources 

There are a number of Spanish-based external organizations that offer identity-focused support, information, community-building, and engagement opportunities:  

  • Conciencia-Afro: An artistic, cultural and political organization focused on claiming, celebrating, and spreading the realities and knowledge of the African continent and from the diaspora, scattered all over the planet, as cultures are generated and united by an umbilical cord but different and own.
  • Tongwen Institute: Run by the Department of Continuing Education of Peking Foreign Studies University, the Tongwen Institute office in Spain provides a Chinese language environment for Chinese students in terms of guidance, consultation, and cultural activities with the objective of facilitating their integration to life abroad. You may contact them at: qiz.tongwen@gmail.com 
  • Intersect Madrid: A grassroots organization that aims to open up the discussion on issues of social injustice and discrimination in formal education. 
  • LAMBDA: A nonprofit organization that aims to uplift sexual, gender, and family diversity, which was founded on September 25, 1986; motivated by the situation of legal discrimination and social marginalization suffered by LGTB+ people.