Career Development

The transition from being a student to becoming a music professional is fraught with uncertainty. To help with this transition, the ICC works with you, the student, to discover, define, develop, and distinguish yourself as a music professional. More than 80 percent of the students who use the ICC’s services feel more prepared to enter the music industry upon completion of their graduate program.

Career Advising

The ICC staff provides one-on-one guidance to help you on your career path. Select from four advisors specializing in different industry areas to meet with throughout the year. From topics like a job application to building your freelance business, your advisor will help guide you in your search for a career that aligns with your personalized professional goals.

Career Seminars and Workshops

Every academic year, the ICC hosts more than 30+ events to promote the advancement of your career in music, including presentations from industry professionals, and workshops.

Seminar and workshop topics include:

  • Resume and portfolio preparation
  • Interview strategies
  • Branding
  • Releasing music
  • Networking 
  • Social media and digital strategy

Career Resources

The ICC has many resources available to help with your job search process. Resources include Berklee Career Manager, online periodicals, subscription-based reference directories, and materials created by the ICC, to name a few.

Mentorship Programs

There are several ways that students can seek mentorship through the International Career Center. In addition to the one-on-one mentoring sessions that are held throughout the year with visiting professionals and the mentoring sessions held during the Global Career Summit, there are three programs specifically designed to curate mentorship.

These programs include the Abroad Insight Mentoring (AIM) program, designed to help First Year Abroad students in their transition to the Boston campus, the 6-Month Mentorship program, an extended series of sessions between select current students and high profile Berklee alumni and industry experts, and the Valencia Alumni Ambassador program, in which students are able to connect online with more than eighty Valencia campus alumni around the world.

Berklee Career Manager

Berklee Career Manager is our online portal where students and alumni access career-related resources, and our job and gig board. 

Watch the video for an overview of the Berklee Career Manager.


LinkedIn Jobs Logo

Music-related jobs are on the rise on LinkedIn, giving entertainment professionals increased exposure and opportunities on the world’s largest professional network. By using LinkedIn’s Job Search tool, you will find jobs relevant to your profile, and you can filter your search by company, location, or industry (such as music jobs in your area). You will also be able to see who in your network is connected to a company with an open position and you can research companies before applying. With the ICC, you will learn more about how to create an ideal LinkedIn profile and how to optimize your job search.

European Conferences, Fairs, and Festivals

Succeeding in the music industry is all about building your professional network and connecting with high-performing peers and people in the industry. Berklee faculty and staff attend a selection of these events, and in some cases the ICC arranges meet-ups for students with industry leaders to discuss latest trends, give their personal career advice, and to network.

All conference participation and attendance is optional and students make all the arrangements to attend on their own. In some cases, students may be able to access special offers and student discounts through Berklee. Please note that some of the events may be on hold temporarily.

Performance Opportunities

Throughout the academic year, students will have the opportunity to perform on- and off-campus to perfect stage presence, develop self-confidence, and master all areas of live production.



If you are a graduate program student and you have secured an internship, you have the option to enroll in a graduate internship course. This course provides you with an opportunity to integrate your professional and academic experience through the internship.

All graduate students can intern in either Spain, US or any other country where they can legally work by enrolling in the graduate internship program.

Undergraduate students can see internship courses and options available to them here. The ICC is able to provide additional support for students in this process.


Even though my time at Terminus Studios was short, I truly have taken with me the words of wisdom shared with me … I feel even more equipped and secure with my talents and knowledge, and look forward to continue prospering in my career as a producer and audio engineer. 

— Master of Music, Music Production, Technology, and Innovation, by Gerami Groover