Tsun-Ju Lin

Manager of Academic Research and Learning Resources
Affiliated Departments

For media inquiries, please contact Media Relations



Career Highlights
  • Published articles regarding online learning in international peer-reviewed journals, such as Educational Technology & Society; Procedia Technology; and Language, Learning, & Technology
  • Published and/or presented articles in several international peer-reviewed conferences, such as the International CALL Research Conference, International Conference on Computers in Education, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, International TESOL Conference, International Research Conference on Virtual Worlds, and International Conference on Web-Based Learning
  • Served as a reviewer for journals and international conferences, such as Language, Learning, & Technology; Language, Culture, & Curriculum; IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies; and the International Conference on Computers in Education
  • Served as post-doctoral researcher at National Taiwan Normal University, a position funded by the Ministry of Education and National Science Council of R.O.C.
  • Served as assistant professor at Kainan University (Taiwan), mainly for the International Honors Program and the Master Program of Applied Chinese Language and Culture
  • Served as teaching fellow at Washington State University and Rochester Institute of Technology
  • Harrington, A.H. Scholarship Fund (2011–2012)
  • Laurence J. Peter Memorial Graduate Fellowship (2009, 2012)
  • Teaching Assistantship at Washington State University(2009–2011)
  • The Violet Yates Scholarship (2006)
  • School Name
    Washington State University
    State or Province
    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
    Field of Study
    Technology Education
    Date Degree Received
  • School Name
    Washington State University
    State or Province
    Master of Arts (MA)
    Field of Study
    Teaching English as a Second Language
    Date Degree Received
  • School Name
    Chinese Culture University
    Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Field of Study
    Business Administration/Management
    Date Degree Received
In Their Own Words

"As a librarian, I offer library workshops and office hours related to academic writing and research methods. Thanks to my educational background and experience as a researcher, I can provide students with proper resources and tips to improve their academic and research skills. In order to help them achieve college and future success, I try to promote their critical reading and thinking skills. This way they can pursue and sustain their musical career more effectively."

"My philosophy of education is to embrace individuality. It is my desire to create a motivated and comfortable educational atmosphere to meet students’ full potential. To do so, I am willing to modify and provide a variety of approaches and strategies for teaching and delivering information in order to better align with their individual needs." 

"I see Berklee's campus in Valencia as a welcoming place where the respect for individuality and cultural diversity is lively. I believe Berklee’s mission and philosophy have made the innovation and influences in today’s music possible."