Miguel Tito

Former Instructor
Affiliated Departments

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Career Highlights
  • Director at La Pinada Lab, an open innovation space focused on sustainability
  • Facilitated over 90 workshops and mentored over 75 student and startup projects, both at Berklee and in other organizations
  • Founded Batiscafo, an innovation agency on a mission to help organizations build future-proof products, services, and business models
  • Chaired ENGAGE, a European network focused on design for emotion, for three years
  • Mentor at Social Nest Foundation, guiding startups in taking part in various acceleration and training programs
  • Visiting lecturer at Universidad Externado de Colombia and at IED Barcelona
In Their Own Words

"My professional background is in the intersection of the design, innovation, and sustainability fields, where good ideas are just a starting point and rubber really needs to meet the road in order to make progress." 

"I foster learning processes based on direct experimentation and reflection on outcomes, giving students a basic theoretical framework to operate within and modelling activities to put methods and tools to practice. I try to strike a balance between free exploration and sufficient guidance so we avoid wasting too much time on nonviable directions while still feeling the uncertainty and ambiguity that is out there."

"I facilitate learning processes related to entrepreneurship, user-centric design, agile methods, and, in general, evidence-based innovation."